Professor Spolan's

{Canto 3}

Charlene sat alone in the Security vehicle
drinking her fourth cup of morning coffee
and watched two students walk hurriedly across the parking lot
towards Post Hall.

"This is a good gig." she thought to herself
stretching her neck
noting that their progress seemed full of intent.

As part of her job description she was required to
make note of
any unusual behavior or weird looking characters she observed
lurking on the premises...

She looked down at her notepad
and taking one more swig of hot java
to clear her brain from last night's indulgences
she picked up her pencil and
continued to write:

           " ...wearing a black cowboy hat with
               a turquoise studded hat band
               and carrying a saddle bag."

               "Two students heading in his direction."

Completing the task at hand and having fulfilled her obligations
she drove off to the University Center

for the sole purpose of
picking up the tickets she had reserved
{at one hundred dollars a pop}
for this evening's Lecture Series
Mikhail Gorbachev
speaking on the topic of:
American Civilization and Values.

Her coffee obligingly spilled onto her lap.

"Shit!" she screamed aloud, to no one who was listening...
as the steaming java soaked through the pants of her uniform.

At that very moment, Professor Spolan
having just passed through a very moving experience himself
wiped the tears from his eyes
and using THE MASTER KEY
opened the door...  

{Canto 4}

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