In which we serve.

Jon Avner wrote:

Well it looks like me and Deirdre are delaying our vacation until Tuesday so I'll be doing the show on March 2.

I don't know yet what time the show is going to start (Time Inc. wants it early but Marylou's doesn't open early so we'll see how that works out) but I am going to play it safe and I'll get others who can come early so............

Sorry about all this. But I'm sure we'll have more at Marylou's or some other fine restaurant in Manhattan where no one from Queens goes to except us because we're poor actors who come from the boroughs and have to do murder mystery shows for rich companies in order to think that we're really doing our work when we're really having such a hard time getting the work we wanted to do in the first place.

Major Dude wrote:

 Now that the Commanding General has returned
 to this Theater of Operations
 for the engagement scheduled March 2

 What are your orders concerning our Line of Battle?
 Will The First Volunteers Regiment of Kew Gardens
 be conducting ourselves at originally planned
 have you role changes in mind for our Regiment
 now that our forces have increased in number
 and we are at full strength - such that it is...

Major Dude

General Avner wrote:

The First Volunteers Regiment of Kew Gardens will remain deployed at Newark until 16:00 hours when you will return to your base camp. This redeployment was a result of the fact that the Second Reserve Command Division will be going into battle at approximately 16:00 hours.

Major Dude wrote:

We are in acknowledgment of the most recent orders
from the Commanding General as to the Line of Battle
for the engagement at 16:00 hours at Mary Lou's on 2 March.

The First Volunteer Regiment of Kew Gardens will commence
with a holding action on that date against The Forces of Ignorance in Newark until such time as we have forced them from the field.
Whereupon we shall return to base camp as ordered.

It is with a heavy heart I must report that the foot soldiers of the
First Volunteer Regiment are saddened they will not be participating in the campaign in Manhattan on 2 March and be a part of the anticipated glorious victory which awaits our Army upon the fields of Greenwich Village.

We wish every success to all units of Second Reserve Command Division.

General Avner wrote:

The First Volunteers Regiment will then be ordered into battle on March 13 at the battlefield of The White House in Whitestone, where you will be joined by select units of the Second Reserve Command Division.

Major Dude wrote:

We shall take on provisions and re-fortify our position at base camp
on 2 March following our holding action as ordered. Thereupon we shall wait with anticipation the opportunity to join the main forces in the next engagement at The White House in Whitestone on 13 March.

General Avner wrote:

The First Volunteer Regiment of Kew Gardens should be aware that that a skirmish is now being planned for July at Cafe on the Green in war torn Bayside and an all out war in August at Antun's in battle scarred Queens Village.

It is expected that the troops will be fed in a manner that surpasses their usual K rations.

Major Dude wrote:

We shall remind the Commanding General on this point when the time fulfills itself.

Having survived several campaigns in the Rockaways
The First Volunteer Regiment is prepared to commit to a forced march under your Command even if the shoe leather we have tasted at Pier 92
is surpassed in the upcoming engagements...

We are at your command.

General Avner wrote:

And thanks for being understanding on this. Right now I am coming down with another one of my famous flus so its like one misery on top of the other.

Major Dude wrote:

Fortunately the Medical Corps is located at your H.Q. It is our hope the anticipation of R&R in more a favorable climate
will sustain and further strengthen your resolve through the next battle.

The First Volunteer Regiment of Kew Gardens stands prepared to
engage all enemies from within and without of The County of Queens.

Major Dude