In Los Angeles,
Friday afternoons came to be anticipated
with great joy
by certain members of, what can be referred to
loosely as: the film Crew
near the Paramount Studios
because a truck mysteriously laden with
Hawaiian shirts would pull up and with alarming regularity
ply its wares
amongst the fashionably challenged. |

{not all Crews attire themselves like a unit.
Nevertheless if you look at the crew from
Hero Picture
Shoot, you can see for yourselves,
this is a cross cultural phenomena in the
make-believe world of film production.} |
On the set of Robert De Niros newest project:
Fifteen Minutes currently filming in New York
the suddenly fashion conscious members of various
production unions
displayed their colors...
well, not exactly their colors, but you catch my drift.
The items in question are now the latest fashion
statement in an overall trend in this industry towards
a false bonding experience within which everyone who
wears the right wardrobe
{or perhaps costume might be a better word}
can enjoy and feel ....a part of it, in Old New York
-apologies to Frank Sinatra.
Supplemental baggy hiking shorts purchased en masse
were also wildly popular...
There is nothing more sensual and appealing to the
female psyche than grown men, and in some cases overgrown men
with their belly protruding over a pair of baggy
hiking shorts, stretching the front of multicolored
synthetic material, emboldened with tropical flowers . |
I know this to be true because, I overheard almost these
exact words while standing on 62nd Street between
Madison and Central Park West, from the mouths of
a group of women who stood waiting patiently,
hoping to catch a glimpse of Robert De Niro...
Fortunately for everyone, Mr. De Niro looked very natty
in a chocolate brown
loosely fitting but comfortable looking
sports jacket
purple shirt - open at the neck -
with light tan slacks
and black loafers...
I am not privy to the kind of character Mr. De Niro was
but I can surmise that
due to the extraordinary
number of actors in cop uniforms
and a NYC Police Squad Car
on loan
parked with its front wheels on the curb of
62nd Street -
the film has something to do with a crime.
Judging by the theme park appearance of the crew,
the crime had already taken place in the back lot
of Paramount Pictures...
Nevertheless, wearing the colors probably makes them
identifiable amongst themselves and serves to strengthen
their admittedly obvious need to feel comfort
about being special...
A man holding a brown paper bag - but not wearing
a Hawaiian shirt - was seen distributing black and red
baseball caps with the title of the film lettered across
the front...
to those on the set who were deemed worthy.
This made him feel especially special
I am sure.