Professor Spolan's

Theater History Test

Part 2

Read each question carefully. Print your answer in the space provided.

1. ____The first known "actor" was named:

a. Pericles

b. OOg

c. Thespis

d. Homer

2.____ "Hubris" can be found:

a. In the Bible

b. In late 20th century political parties

c. In the works of Homer.

d. All the above.

3.____ What is the original meaning of the word: "Tragedy"?

a. The grade I expect from Professor Spolan

b. Goat Song

c. The defeat of the Persian Army at Marathon.

d. Chorus leader

4. ____Dionysus was :

a. the god of war

b. the King of the Athenians during the Trojan War

c. the son of Zeus

d. the god of fertility and wine drinking


5. ____The high boots worn by Greek Actors were called:

a. socci

b. cothurni

c. dithyramb

e. periakoti

6. ____The costumes worn by Greek Tragic Actors can be found:

a. only in Greece

b. painted upon vases

c. faithfully reproduced in fashionable clothing stores

d. at Sabratha in Africa


ESSAY Question.

Give a brief description of the debt we owe to Ancient Greek Theater


1] in the modern technologically advanced world of popular television.

{two examples please}


2] in Literature{ two examples please}


3] in psychology. {two examples please}


If you e-mail your answers to me, make the answers either accurate or amusing.

E-Mail:( Service: (212) 874-5300

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